

Creating Custom Macros

There are many possible macros to save you tons of typing and time, streamline the game and get your crit out of trouble fast.

First, slide your mouse to top left of the screen.. that will make a toolbar appear. Then go to Macros.. Set Macro...

This should appear:

Choose <empty> from the bottom of the list.

You will now see this:

Give your macro a name.

Fill in the command line.

Assign a key.

Assign which key to hold down with the activation key(if any).

Check appropriate box for how the command will be acticated.

Auto Return - Use this for commands that do not need a target or path.

Target Lock - Check this one for commands that involve mobs or players such as heal or steal from.

Needs path - This is for cammands that involve locations such as throwing grenades ot targetting a hex with a spell.

Don't check any of those if you want to add a word or confirm the command before executing it. eg Party Join

Click Ok

Test it to see if it works.



All game commands can be put into macros.

Don't use any letter keys,  number keys or any other that you would use in normal conversation without checking ctrl or alt in the macro creation panel.

Shift should only be used with F keys or others not normally used in conversation.

k is system default, so don't use for anything.

Be careful to keep a record of what keys you have used so you don't use the same one twice. Here is how I do it.. Macro Chart

Don't name your macros after default macros. Neither will work properly.

You can put up to 3 commands in a macro with ; in between them.. take bottle from sack; drink bottle; drop bottle


Many commands and terms can be shortened such as b for berserk and bot for bottle.

You can add a yell to your command using the @ symbol. eg - b@ZERKING!!! is the command to zerk up and yell ZERKING!!! at same time.


You can add any of your custom macros to your macrobars.

If you forget what key you have assigned a certain task, just choose it from the Set Macro list to have a look.


Useful Macros

italics represent placeholder - replace with actual name

Name Format Setting Purpose
trade trade enable Autoreturn allows you to pass/receive items.. saves typing it all the time
Steal left drop left; steal from target lock keeps a hand empty while skilling
twig home belt right; wield twig; drop right Autoreturn empties a hand and gets you home in a hurry - always have a home twig in left slot in belt
bank out name, withdraw 500000@out Autoreturn places 500k on counter and tells recipient it is there
bank in name, deposit 500000@in Autoreturn quickly deposits all coin on counter and signals it is done
appraise name, appraise itemname Autoreturn value of rings, bracers, helms, ammies can tell you what they are
train *train 0 ## $$ Autoreturn train at any trainer.. ## = skill code $$= amount
assess *assess 0 ## Autoreturn assess skill at any trainer. you will need 50 coins in sack
drink_ *drink Autoreturn IH when you have a free hand
IH belt right; take bottle from sack; drink bottle Autoreturn to IH when you don't have a free hand
rewield drop bottle; wield weaponname Autoreturn drops bottle and replaces with weapon
fountain drink fountain Autoreturn +10 str at rb fountain.. must wear sash.. good for resting barbs

Class specific macros

Name Format Setting Purpose
zerk b@message Autoreturn zerk and yell (barb)
arg arg Autoreturn forces OOC round so you can AB (barb)
zerkdrink get bottle from sack; drink bottle; break bottle Autoreturn seems to work better than default drink (hally/gs barb)
self heal form heal at ownname Autoreturn best to set to single keystroke (healer)
home form teleport home Autoreturn set TP named home in every zone and set as single key stroke {ment}
invis self form liminv at ownname Autoreturn set as single key stroke for vanishing quickly{ment/thief}

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